Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Festivities- Fun Times!

Okay so Sunday was jammed packed with holiday activities! We ventured out in the cold to go to the Jamestown Christmas parade. (For those Northerners reading this, that is the quaint little town that we live in and their own little holiday parade). Well it was cold in NC terms(about 40 degrees)so we had to bundle Addie up like a little snowman. She was not so thrilled at first to be bundled up, but I think she caught on as to the reason. The parade lasted over an hour so we had to bank out a little early as Addie had reached her limit, but it was an impressive little parade. Addie wanted to be right down in the action and we had to hold on to her to stop her from joining in the parade. She loved the music and was dancing right along with the bands. Chuck's parents went with us to the parade. Sorry Nanu that you are not in any of the pics! After the parade, we ventured into more Christmas festivities as we went to Tanglewood to see the Christmas lights. (Again for the Yankees, that is a wonderful Christmas display of thousands of lights- there is nothing like it in NJ, but picture a Storybook Land set up that you can drive through and then multiply that times five). Well Addie was excited for the lights, but tired too! She clapped and said yeah at times, but she was also excited just to climb around the car. Yes the Social Worker Mama took her out of her car seat to drive through the light display. Are you all proud- I actually broke a rule! (And yes to my mama it was safe, we were only going about 5 miles an hour!) She did like it though! To her daddy's delight though, she is just as impressed by his Christmas lights at our house! And that sure does make him happy! Here are some pics of Addie at the parade!

1 comment:

Mollie Perez said...

Love all of the side notes to the yankees...funny...i guess you can say that since you're one too:) You are our little southern girl now that you've given birth here:)