Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Addie's stats!!

Addie visited the pediatrician today for her 9 month check up! Can you all believe that she is 9 months old!!! She is getting soooo big! She weighs 20.5 lbs which puts her between the 75th and 90th percentile for weight! She is also 29 1/2 inches tall which is in the 97th percentile for height! So she is taller than rounder if you can believe that! Ha! She has got some major rolls in her legs. She is doing well with no concerns and she survived her two shots today. She is sporting a Dora bandaid with pride as a result!! This doctor's visit was a major milestone as she is now old enough to get a cookie at the end of the visit. She sure did love that!!!! She also has four new teeth coming in! She has been having a hard time with those teeth lately and now we know why- there are four coming in at once! Poor Baby!!! Right now she is sleeping well in her crib, which is better than we can say for the last few nights!!! Keep your fingers crossed that those teeth poke through soon! Mommy and Daddy want some sleep too!!

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