Okay so I have been slack lately. Sorry! I will post some new pictures this weekend. This four day work week sure is wonderful, but it makes for one tired social worker, mama, wife, friend, blogger, and whatever else I am during those four days. So here is my promise to post some pics this weekend. We have tons of pictures of the Little Miss enjoying Christmas in New Jersey. She even sported some Jersey girl hair during the holidays. HA! You will see what I mean when you see the pictures. Hysterical! Well we had a wonderful holiday and the New Year is going well. We rang in 2009 at home in our PJs- exciting I know, but we waited until the very last minute to start looking for a babysitter and no luck. That could be as I am pretty ridiculous and let only a few people watch Addie. I am not up for teenage babysitters yet, I guess that is a job hazard as I just know too much. So 2009 is going well except for the sick bug that has come through our house- yuck! Of course it was fine when Chuck and I had the bug, but Addie was just pathetic. She sat in my lap or Chuck's lap all day on Sunday, except for maybe one hour total when she would venture out of our arms to play. She is all better now.
Well here are the latest stats. Addie returned to the pediatrician today for her 15 month check-up! (Side note- where the heck does the time go, how is my little baby now 15 months old!) Anyway, she is doing just fine! She weighs 24 lbs (most of that is in her thighs-everyone knows that if you have seen her lately). She is still in the 90th percentile for her height and 75th percentile for her weight. So she is still taller than she is pudgy. I wish I could say the same-UGH! It is crazy too that the pediatrician told us we could start exploring potty training, what- she is so little! He did not say that we have too, but we can start. Can we tell that I am in denial that she is gowing up so fast. Oh and he told us to work on losing the bottle. I of course knew that one, but agh that should be fun! My Little Primadonna only takes her milk warm and from a bottle. Any great suggestions anyone? We have started trying to cut it back, but then she does not get milk.
Other Addie updates. Her favorite word is still wow! wow! wow! wow! When we flew to NJ and the plane took off she just kept repeating wow! wow! wow! It was soo funny, everyone around us was cracking up! I guess you can say she likes flying! She walks so fast now that she runs! It is pretty cute! She loves to gives hugs and sometimes kisses! She is still a mama's girl, but she sure does love her daddy too! Her vocabulary is expanding all of the time. Oh and she has eight teeth with two more coming. She still loves to take her shoes and socks off in the car- not cute when it is cold outside! And her favorite toys are baby dolls, a stroller that she got for Christmas, a zoo that she got for Christmas, and her favorite favorite toy is her new kitchen from Santa! She also now likes to wear jewelry, she has two necklaces with huge beads and she puts them on and smiles big and waits for you to tell her that she looks pretty. We are creating a snob! Okay that is it for now, that is all that is new with the Little Miss! Pictures will follow this weekend!